Andrea Hutchins
Over 20 years of leadership experience has given Andrea Hutchins the competence to quickly and accurately analyze industry trends; providing valuable insight into the tools businesses require while working to increase market share, expand and/or venture in to new markets. Hutchins, the first female CEO of the El Paso Chamber, graduated from Upper Iowa University with a degree in Public Administration. She later on went to get her masters degree at Webster University in 2009. Recognized as a thought leader able to build consensus and create collaborative, high-performance environments, Hutchins is capable of leveraging broad-based experience in public and private sector, PR, marketing, development, project leadership and agency management to achieve objectives critical to all stakeholders. Pragmatic and results orientated, with a focus on bottom line results; Hutchins has a track record of achieving and exceeding the standards of performance set out for any project she is involved in – from team member to team leader.